Video Playlists
Digital Choiceboard
Flip over the tiles to discover crafts, experiments and more! Choose as many as you like.
Build a Voyaging Canoe with the Polynesian Voyaging Society
Make a Pirate Spyglass
Make your own spyglass to be on the look-out for danger or new lands. You’ll reuse cardboard rolls from around the house. Pirates can be eco-friendly too!
Looking for more pirate fun? Check out the activities in this blog to host your own Pirate Week.
Create an Eco-Friendly Habits Reward Jar With Your Family
Each time you practice an eco-friendly habit from this list, write or draw it on a piece of paper. Then, put it in the jar. Can you think of more ideas? When the jar is full, plan a special plastic-free party with your family to celebrate!
Create a Boat You Can Eat
Become a Citizen Scientist
How do you care for our Island Earth? The Polynesian Voyaging Society wants to hear about how you practice Mālama Honua. Share your eco-friendly habits or a project you’re doing with a two-minute video. With parent permission, submit it to their Facebook page.
Learn how to help reduce marine debris, with this guide from the Mālama Learning Center.
Then, use this National Geographic app to help track litter— anywhere from the ocean to your backyard.
Get Crafty and Save the Planet With These Plastic-Free Projects
Engineer a Rubber Band Paddle Boat
Try out this Paddle Boat DIY Engineering Project that can move on its own.
Make a Colorful Mural With Recyclable Materials
Check out this school wide bottle cap mural project to see how colorful bottle tops can really make a statement. Arrange them into fun shapes like animals. You could even submit a video of your eco-friendly project to the Polynesian Voyaging Society.
Host a Family “Moana Day” to Celebrate Polynesian Culture!
Then choose your favorite Moana Activities for Kids to do at home!